
Autodromo TM


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Garanzia diretta Urbex

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  • Garanzia senza rischi! Ottenere un nuovo posto se questo non esiste
  • Database urbex aggiornato quotidianamente
  • 24/7 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇳🇱 assistenza

Feedback 08-2024 This racetrack is well known among explorers in Catalonia. Unfortunately, the place is under surveillance, and people even live inside. The owners are tired of people entering the premises illegally, so they are taking legal action. Additionally, the site can be visited legally since it is available for rent and is used for film shoots and meetings. Therefore, they are trying to clear the site of “urbex explorers.” You could consider this place as (RIP) since it is practically impossible to enter without the owners’ permission (and they don’t allow entry to any individuals).