Nouveau spot !

Ghost Hunting Map 3.0


The Ultimate Guide to Paranormal Locations in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany

Ready for a new paranormal adventure? Ghost Hunting Map 3.0 is here, and it’s the most complete and detailed map you’ll ever find! This one-of-a-kind map will guide you to the creepiest and most mysterious locations

With over 70+ paranormal hotspots, you can embark on a journey to places that have been carefully researched by professional ghost hunters

Why is this map so special?

  • 31 new locations you don’t want to miss!
  • 42 locations

Ghost Hunting Map 3.0 is a must-have for every serious ghost hunter!

Garantie Urbex Direct

  • Pas de temps d'attente
  • Accès direct et livraison
  • CoordonnĂ©es faciles Ă  utiliser (Latitude, Longitude)
  • Garantie sans risque ! Obtenez une nouvelle place si celle-ci n'existe pas
  • Base de donnĂ©es urbex mise Ă  jour quotidiennement