Este mapa contiene los siguientes lugares:
- Casa Tyrone
- Nivea Church
- Ivy Castle Ruin
- Castillo Ruine G
- The Big Overgrown Church
- Castle Ruin Agha
- Mossy Castle Kerry
- Colloseum Fort
- Colloseum Fort 2
- The Farm on the Cliff
- The Old Signal Tower
- The Church Ruin with some graves
- Clif Watchtower
- The Old Copper Mine Shafts
- White Car House in the Shrub
- Unfinished Villa's
- Spare House
- Malcolm Factory
- Old Castle Droma
- Celtic Echoes Castle
- Burned Factory and Villa
- The Broken Bridge
- Silent Towers of Éire
- Weak Farm
- Nature's Workshop
- Another Copper Mine Ruin
- Autumn House
- The Castle Grounds
- Manor of the Politician
- The Forgotten Manor
- Lost for 10 years House
- The Shipwreck on the Beach
- The lost Church in the Hills
- Graves in Decay Building
- Paintings Pub
- Fort on top
- The Castle Remains on the cliff
- House Cardo
- Green Roof Castle
- Back to Nature
- The Graveyard and the Ruins
- Waterside Power Station
- The Forgotten River House
- Unfinished Business
- Lost Industrial Halls